Homeroom locations

Marc Lionnet Room 27
Chris Parsons Room 28
Jeff Pratt Room 29

Instructions for Homeroom teachers Day One


Students will become more familiar with
- using a homeroom base (i.e. returning to homeroom at the end of recess and lunch)
- collecting books or equipment before each lesson or activity
- the school environment over a three day period
- a larger number or staff (compared to previous years)
- a wider variety of subjects

9.00 Please assist Margaret in the basement with the students (unless you need to see your normal classes first)

9.30 – 10.30 Homeroom session – At 10.15 bring students (with their recess) to TAS basement


Introduce yourself and your role in the school. Please inform them that this will not be their homeroom group and you will not necessarily be their homeroom teacher next year.
Get the students to introduce themselves (you can do the introductory activity provided if you like, or you may choose an alternative way)

Hand out diaries

a) College prayer - get students to stick this into their diaries and say the prayer together (glue provided and shared)
b) How to use the diary – talk specifically how we would like this diary to be used
- taken to each activity
- fill in what you did
- fill in any reminders or simple homework questions
- get mum/dad/guardian to sign the diary for next time
- complete the reflection page (if they don’t have time today or are not given time back their schools, they can finish at home)
- show the students the diary they will be using next year

Timetable – students fill in their timetable for the 3 days.

Worksheets – Hand these out

Outline how the day will run

- Their homeroom is their meeting place as a class group
- they will depart to their activity from their homeroom
- They need to take the appropriate worksheet to the activity they are about to do
- The teachers running their activity will meet them in their homeroom and take them to their specialist area
- they will return to their homeroom (led by the teacher who just had them) at the end of their activity prior to having a break
- Stress – there will always somebody with you to ASK if you are not sure

10.30 – 11.00 Recess

- take the students down to the lower basement
- show them where the canteen is on the way down – go through the procedure for next year if they wish to order their lunch before school
- Supervise them until 10.50 then walk students back to the homerooms.
- The next teachers will collect them from their. Please stay with your group until they are collected. This should occur at 11.00.

2.30-3.15 Afternoon Administration

- Meet homeroom groups back in your homeroom – some students will have left already
- Get students who are left to complete (in silence for at least 5 minutes) their Day One reflection page.
- Assist Margaret in supervision until all students have left

Homeroom group 6 ML

Session Day One Day 2 Day 3
One Homeroom groups

+ meet buddies at 10.15 Homeroom group activities
Meet with buddies
Orienteering Homeroom group activities
Two Science

PDHPE – Activities
Buddies join in
Three Hospitality/Technology

Music/Drama Workshop Mrs Baldini talks
Music/Drama presentation

Homeroom group 6 CP

Session Day One Day 2 Day 3
One Homeroom groups

+ meet buddies at 10.15 Homeroom group activities
Meet with buddies
Orienteering Homeroom group activities
Two Art

PDHPE – Activities
Buddies join in
Three Science

Music/Drama Workshop Mrs Baldini talks
Music/Drama presentation

Homeroom group 6 JP

Session Day One Day 2 Day 3
One Homeroom groups

+ meet buddies at 10.15 Homeroom group activities
Meet with buddies
Orienteering Homeroom group activities
Two Hospitality/Technology


PDHPE – Activities
Buddies join in
Three Art

Workshop Mrs Baldini talks
Music/Drama presentation

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 February 2013, 1:41 PM