MSPC Transition site
Topic outline
Welcome to the Mt St Patrick College
Transitions Website
Below are some questions that Year 6 students have asked in the past. If you have any questions about coming to Year 7 at Mt St Patrick College you might find your answer here!
To see Frequently Asked Questions click on the link that says "FAQ's" and work your way through the questions.
Even if you don't have any questions have a go at answering the questions and you might actually find something out you don't already know!
One of the scariest things about attending high school is often you come from a primary school that might be relatively small to a high school that is big, full of lots of new classrooms, new people and even different sections, blocks, levels and lots of staircases.
To help you find your way around your NEW school, your buddies will give you a personal tour. Be sure to ask as many questions as possible. If you ever get lost and cant find your way, don't be scared to ask another student or teacher where to go! -
At times high school can be much different to Primary. With new friends, new Teachers and new classrooms it can be very confusing at times.
Also in high school there a few "Do's" and "Dont's" know about.
Do's- Respect other students
- Be on time
- Bring your books
- Remember to bring diary and use it correctly
- Bring your hat to school
- Make sure you have the equipment for each subject
- Wear the correct uniform and wear it well
- Respect teachers
- Make Friends
- Join in school activities
- Look after other students
- Listen to teacher's instructions
- Never see a need without doing something about it
- Be a Mt St Patrick Student fully, get involved!!
- Disrespect other students or Bully
- Forget equipment
- Bring mobile phone's to school
- Break uniform rules
- Don't do your homework
An exciting part about coming to College is the wide variety of subjects you get to do.
Listed below are the subjects that you will complete in Year 7.
Click on one of the links to find out a little bit more about each of your Year 7 subjects and what you can expect to do in them.
Click on the Subject Information document below to provide you with a very brief overview of each one. This document is the one your parents receive on their information night.
- Religious Education
- Mathematics
- Science
- English
- HSIE (Human Society and its Environment)
- PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
- Music
- Technology
- Visual Art
- Subject Information Overview
At Mt St Patrick College there are lots of extra activities that you can get involved in as a student. Some of these activities include:
- Spes Mea Choir
- Concert Band
- Jazz Band
- Environmental Groups
- Extra Sporting teams (Soccer, Volleyball, Touch Football, Rugby Union, Rugby League, Waterpolo, Cricket, Netball, Surfing, Surf lifesaving and many more)
- Debating
- Chess
- Student Representative Council
- St Vincent De Paul
Let us know what you want to get involved by CLICKING HERE and taking the survey. -
Like it or not, homework is a part of school life.1. To find out more about homework at Mt St Patrick College CLICK HERE and try and beat the test.
2. Read the Homework Policy document by clicking the link below called "Homework Policy" to find out more details about why homework is set at Mt St Patrick College and how much you can expect to do each night. (You may even find some of the answers in there to help beat test!)
Test your knowledge of Mt St Patrick College by completing the surveys below.
Survey #1
"How much do you really know about Mt St Patrick College (Click here to do Survey)
See exactly how much you really know about Mt St Patrick College
Take the may be surprised!!Survey #2
"How do you feel about High School" (Click here to do Survey)
How do you feel about coming to Mt St Patrick College?? Complete the survey and let the teachers know how you feel!